PULL PUSH FLOW - A 20 Day Energy Flow Series

20 Day Energy Flow Series


Class Description




Energy pulls, pushes and flows are ways of engaging with the universe to create anything you want in life. 

What if everything that was possible in the world was available at your request? It is, but most refuse it. In order to not receive, you have to refuse to use and receive with energy flows. 

It takes many different energies to create. You gotta flow, you gotta push, and you gotta pull. 

It takes practice in all different energy movements in order to create and in this series we are going to take it one step further than energy pulls and work with all the different styles of energetics and where to use them. 

This is a 20 call series on zoom, everyday at 8:00am PST. Each class will be between 15-30 minutes. 

We start November 21, 2019!

Click Here for Your Date and Time

Some days will be skipped due to Julia's International Travel. 


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