Divorceless Relationships
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What is the relationship you truly desire that you have not yet created but are now capable of?

Dr. Anthony and Julia Mattis have been creating their relationship with the tools of Access Consciousness for the last five years and have changed their ability to receive caring, to have allowance and to create a future and reality with each other, their kids and everyone around them.

A relationship that actually works for you, is one that doesn’t exist anywhere in this reality.


This is a 5 part online series that is based on book

Divorceless Relationships

(Don't have your own copy of the book? Get it here.


This class took place from April 1 - 5, 2020

Global Pricing Available

You will:

  • Receive an audio and video recording of each call
  • Receive 5 PDF with written clearing
  • Receive 1 MEGA audio clearing from all 5 calls


Price $350 USD

Global Pricing Available

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