What Lives All Around You?

energy life hacks May 12, 2018

Good Morning from a cozy Saturday morning in my kitchen,

In the Advanced Money Workbook Gary Douglas (founder of Access Consciousness®) writes:

"The universe has your back when you ask it to send you what you need. You ask for everything, except the consciousness, which knows more than you do in every respect, to actually deliver. What would happen if you were willing to have the consciousness deliver?"

Recently, I have been looking more closely at what lives all around me, at what I am naturally a part of. Most of the time, I interact closely with it, ask it to fill me up with the brilliance of me, and the warmth of the consciousness that it is. 

Unfortunately, sometimes I also forget the energy I am and choose the bleakness of this reality, and the insane thoughts racing through the minds of those around me.

Cutting off from what we are naturally a part of is a really painful sever to live with.

There are worlds, universes, depths of the earth, futures, entities and earth spirits that are waiting for us.

Most people on this planet will never go to them.

By asking them to, they can guide us to what can truly be created as our lives on this planet.

What can you pull in, ask for, be present with or interact with that would allow you to create the future you would truly like to have?


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Create by Julia Sotas Mattis
Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator