
中文 Mar 28, 2020




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ماهي الافخاخ التي نصبتها لنفسك؟

عربى Mar 28, 2020

نحن نميل للاحتفاظ بالتزامات قوية لمحدوديتنا من صغرنا. بالنسبة لي، كنت ملتزمة أكثر لأكون سندريلا، اتزوج عن حب واعيش في سعادة للابد اكثر من ان اصنع حياتي.

في افلام النهايات السعيده نحن لانرى ماهو شكل الحياه بعد الزواج. الزوجان ليس عليهم...

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Какие ловушки вы расставили для себя?

русский Mar 21, 2020

С раннего возраста мы приучаемся брать на себя обязательства по отношению к нашим ограничениями. Что касается меня, я выбирала для себя роль Золушки, выйти замуж по любви и жить долго и счастливо, затем можно было создавать свою...

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Going Beyond Cinderella

relationships Dec 30, 2019

What traps have you set for yourself?

We tend to have really strong commitments to our limitations from a young age. For me, I was more dedicated to being Cinderella, to marrying for love, and living happily ever after, than I was to...

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Among the Trees

nature Dec 07, 2019

A very happy time for me was when I lived on a golf course situated in an evergreen forest on a lake in Canada. I lived with my friend Matt, and other than us, there was no one around for miles. There is something wondrous and...

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My Organization Mission!

life hacks Apr 08, 2019

One morning I was doing my make up and decided I should turn on Netflix. I like to listen to Access Calls or music as I'm getting ready in the morning, but I had just finished watching both Seasons of The Marvelous Mrs. Maiselon Amazon...

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What are the Spaces of Consciousness?

energy Mar 22, 2019

There are worlds and powers we have available to us that we do our best to ignore in our every day lives. We are capable of realities far beyond this one while still living on planet earth. The doorway to these worlds, for me, has been...

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Daily Guided Energy Exercise

energy life hacks Mar 20, 2019
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My Late Grandfather Comes for a Visit

On Christmas last year, I was not feeling myself. I was sad and angry so I began to ask some questions. 

I started to ask some questions and realized it was entities I was aware of.

I perceived my paternal grandfather who I was very...

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The Magic of Entity Awareness

talk to the entities Dec 18, 2018

What is your favourite TTTE tool?

My favourite tool is working with entities during Entity Office Hours. This is a time of the day or week that you set aside to communicate with, clear, or receive from entities. Recently I have been...

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